If you are one of those contemplating which reverse osmosis systems to purchase for the house, you must have come across the term re mineralizing filter. A lot of companies have extra filters to add minerals to the water it just purified. This is usually seen in a 4 or 5 stage reverse osmosis system. But you might think a 3 stage water purifier is better than 5 if it is just using the same procedure to purify water. Here is why an extra filter is needed.
- An RO purifier does not differentiate between good and bad elements which are termed so based on their reactions on the body. Purifiers are designed to eliminate all kinds of ions. Calcium, magnesium, chemicals from pharmaceuticals, sediments, chlorine, microorganisms etc.
- Because of this, the essential ions that the body receives only from the water is also eliminated. This includes magnesium, calcium, some elements of iron and lead.
- If these are not received through the water, the body finds other ways to find the elements which are not healthy. It isn’t so because the body extracts these minerals from the bones of the skeleton.
- According to WHO, people using simply RO water for drinking purposes for a long duration of months are found to have high lead and magnesium deficiencies.
Which puts Reverse osmosis in a bad light. A few shortcomings of a process should not be the reason for not using it at all as it is the best method to purify water yet. And so, companies add an extra filter through which the water is passed that adds all these extra minerals back. This is known as remineralization of water.
A lot of people who have been using the remineralization filter have found that the water is tastier than regular RO. This can also be attributed to the chemistry of alkaline and basic water. Even though these are scientifically different, people often confuse it with each other. Where on one side anything with a PH below 7 is termed as basic, alkalinity is an acid neutralizing characteristic of that particular solution. Strictly speaking, the effects of these on the taste of our drinking water has not been scientifically proven yet and what you need to decide is whether you like the taste or not.
Companies also provide various options in the kind of remineralization filter you want. Based on what minerals you need to add, filters with different materials are now available. Among these are Calcite plus carbon and calcite plus Corosex. Note that you must be absolutely sure while selecting a filtering cartridge for your household filter. For this, get in touch with an expert to have the filter specifications checked out.
Ampac USA has been manufacturing water treatment systems for over 30 years with expertise in water filtering and Reverse Osmosis. The service and performance of the products are unparalleled and meets the international standards of quality there is.